Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

InNA App CO2-Mensa

The goal of the InNa App is to measure the CO2 emissions of canteen meals at the University of Würzburg, which are realised with methods of computer science, visualised and put in relation to typical values in society, in order to encourage one's own sustainable actions and to experience self-efficacy. A first step is the CO2 assessment of the canteen meals. Further aspects can be taken into account through user behaviour surveys and corresponding modelling in the InNa app. This also includes recommendations on how CO2 emissions can be offset, for example. Methods from computer science enable the collection and visualisation of data as well as a correlation to established values of society. Thus, a sensitisation for sustainable action takes place and in the best case also optimisation or change of one’s own behaviour. A further step is the automated CO2 assessment of recipes for canteen dishes and suggestions for improving the dishes.