Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

Law Clinic: Transformation Law

The goal of the transformation experiment is to create a trans-disciplinarily informed jurisprudence, legal practice, and legal education that investigates and exploits the transformative potential of law for socio-ecological transformation. To this end, the Würzburg 'Law Clinic: Transformational Law' focuses on the role of law in socio-ecological transformation. This distinguishes it from other law clinics, whose focus is usually on the protection of subjective rights and individual legal advice. In the Law Clinic Transformation Law, teachers, research assistants and students work on the question of how law can be used to promote and shape social change. In doing so, the Law Clinic closely partners with civil society initiatives. The transformation experiment is characterised by:

• Transdisciplinary research within the framework of law studies
• Cooperation with practice partners
• Cross-status cooperation
• Engagement with law as an instrument of transformation

The concept of the Law Clinic can be transferred to other academic fields as well as to other universities/institutions. The transformation experiment aims to illustrate approaches to sustainable action that can be applied elsewhere through academic communication, public outreach, an Internet presence, publications, and networking. Furthermore, the transformation experiment aims to network projects with a similar orientation at other universities. By exploring the role of law in socio-economic transformation, the transformation experiment creates broad awareness across status groups for a culture of sustainability at the university. The Transformational Law Clinic program will be established as a teaching format at the law school. This will not only put legal expertise at the service of the socio-ecological transformation of society, but will transform teaching itself. Beginning in SoSe 2023, the experiment is to last at least 2 years with an option to prolong for another 2 years.