Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

Review kick-off workshop "L(i)ebenswerter Campus"

Successful kick-off

The very first workshop gives the team of the "L(i)ebenswerter Campus" transformation experiment cause for optimism.

On the afternoon of January 15, 2025, an eleven-member panel of experts met for the kick-off workshop of the transformation experiment (TE) L(i)ebenswerter Campus in the rooms of the sustainability laboratory WueLAB on the Hubland North Campus. In addition to representatives of the Lebendiger Campus initiative and WueLAB, who initiated the TE, Prof. Dr. Anja Schlömerkemper, Vice President of the University for Sustainability, the Chancellor of the University Dr. Uwe Klug as well as those responsible for technical operations and the departments of space management, budget and major construction measures took part. The aim was to formulate framework conditions for the design and use of green spaces on the Hubland campus and to make a pre-selection of green spaces that the transformation experiment can take into account for new ideas.

After two hours of intensive discussions, the participants were satisfied. “The kick-off workshop was a complete success,” says a delighted Prof. Dr. Nadja Simons from TE L(i)ebenswerter Campus. “All participants were open to our initiative and the discussion about the framework conditions was also very constructive.” Among other things, the group discussed the existing conditions and possibilities using the example of lizard castles and the maintenance of the Green Belt, the open area next to the Mensateria at Hubland North. The team's aim is now to use the momentum from the kick-off workshop to drive forward the diverse ideas for designing a more sustainable campus. The next step is to hold a second workshop in the spring together with WueLAB and other sustainability initiatives at the university, where all members of the university are invited to contribute their ideas for the design of the Hubland campus.

Further transformation experiments can be found on the Transformation Experiments website.


Impressions from the kick-off workshop