Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Campus

Sustainability Challenge at the Hubland Campus

Our university creates knowledge for society. At the same time, it wants to initiate positive developments. This includes a culture of sustainability.

  • What does this mean with regard to our Hubland University Campus?
  • What makes a space that offers a lot for a lot of people?
  • What is a sustainable campus? We are looking for your new, creative ideas! 

Win great vouchers from a wide range of areas and get even more information on the following Website (only available in german). We would also like to invite you to download the following poster (also no english version available) 


University campus areas are „Already-There Areas“ in the sense of the Leopoldina. However, this character as limited economically and nature conservation areas is partly (considerably) constrained by the need to dispose of these areas as building land. Notwithstanding this, the temporary or basically available area is (still) biodiverse and important as habitat and recreational space for humans and other living creatures. The proposed experiment asks what sustainable management can look like in specific terms in Würzburg at the Hubland Campus and what the individual groups active here understand by a sustainable campus. Employees of different status groups are also to contribute their needs and wishes for campus design in the sense of the campus as a space for recreation, rest, communication and learning.

Following the respective logics of the social fields of action, the understanding of sustainability may well differ in the status groups of a university. Regular communication in form of a round table should enable the exchange of positions, logics of action and common fields of action also for the benefit of the people working on the campuses and the non-human species living here. It is also important to negotiate the various interests of the university in its campus areas with the other actors. These experiences are to be made available to other universities and other institutions – e.g. in the form of "golden rules“. The planned duration of the project is until 2025 (inclusive).