Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil


Imparting knowledge and skills on the subject of sustainability as part of university teaching is one of the prerequisites for being able to shape the necessary socio-ecological change in a science-based and competent manner. In Bavaria, legislation therefore assigns education for sustainable development (ESD) to universities as one of their tasks. The transformation experiment "Teaching4Sustainability" in the sustainability laboratory WueLAB at the University of Würzburg will explore ways and means of implementing sustainability issues and higher education for sustainable development in the teaching of all subjects.


Kick-off event of the Teaching4Sustainability transformation experiment

On July 7, 2023, the kick-off event of the transformation experiment "Teaching4Sustainability" took place in the Lecture Hall and in the foyer of the Graduate School of the University of Würzburg with digital transmission. The event was aimed at all teaching staff, students and employees at the University of Würzburg.

At the beginning of the event, Professor Anja Schlömerkemper, Vice President for Equal Opportunities, Career Planning and Sustainability, welcomed the guests and expressed her particular interest in integrating sustainability topics into university teaching in a science-based way. Professor Georg Müller-Christ from the University of Bremen then reported on his many years of experience in implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in university teaching in a guest lecture.

Representatives of the various status groups at the University of Würzburg then had their say. Jasmin-Julika Nettusch from the AK-Lehramt as a representative of the students appealed for the mandatory introduction of education for sustainable development in their studies. Paul Benz from the Chair of Computer Science (Modeling and Simulation) reported on the implementation of sustainability education in the "Computer Science and Sustainability" course as a representative of the mid-level faculty. Professor Markus Riederer, as spokesperson for the transformation experiment "Teaching4Sustainability", presented the experiment and the next steps for developing ways and means of implementing sustainability topics and education for sustainable development within university teaching. Sarah Raith from the ProfiLehre university didactics department at the Center for Academic Education and Teaching then reported on the plans for a "Learning to teach transformation" subject certificate in collaboration between "Teaching4Sustainability" and ProfiLehre. The official conclusion was a Q&A session with all speakers.

This was followed by a reception and discussion in the foyer of the Graduate School. There, the participants networked in a friendly atmosphere, discussed outstanding questions and developed new ideas on how education for sustainable development can be strengthened and expanded in the university context.

The recordings of the contributions to the kick-off event "Teaching4Sustainability" will be available for you shortly.

The next event will be a fifth networking meeting "ESD in Teaching" on November 9, 2023 from 5 p.m. in the Lecture Hall and the foyer of the Graduate School. The networking meeting is aimed at lecturers, students and staff at the University of Würzburg. Further information will be announced shortly. All information will be announced via the cross-semester networking rooms on ESD on WueCampus. You can register for these yourself: