Deutsch Intern
  • Stadien der Transformation von einer Raupe zu einem Schmetterling, hängend an einem Pflanzenstil

WueMue - Waste separation, avoidance and recycling at JMU Würzburg

The WueMue project

The WueMue transformation project has a duration of one year and is funded by the WueLab. The aim of this transformation experiment is to make a contribution to the long-term and sustained reduction of greenhouse gases through the resource-saving handling of waste. The focus here is on the investigation and development of solutions for:

  • Waste avoidance
  • Better waste separation
  • Optimization of waste disposal processes
  • Raising awareness among the status groups

At the beginning of the project, the current waste behavior at JMU is recorded by surveying various stakeholders. Based on these findings, individual interventions are implemented and then evaluated in order to be able to determine an actual improvement. Another central starting point is to actively raise awareness among all status groups at JMU with regard to increased waste avoidance and striving for improved waste separation so that it can be fed into the recycling cycle. Various formats and low-threshold offers are being tested for this purpose. The experiment is designed to identify basic structures and test possible solutions.
Would you like to get actively involved, do you have a particular waste situation at your location or good ideas for improving the situation? Please contact the project management directly!

Find more information on Projekt WueMue.