W(u)eShare - Lending and exchange cabinet for social interaction
W(u)eShare- Participation through sharing- Lending and exchange cabinet for social interaction
The student project W(u)eShare addresses the desire for more social exchange among students and staff at the university and combines this with a diverse and sustainable use of the campus grounds. Specifically, items are to be offered for loan and exchange at low thresholds in so-called loan and exchange lockers, which can encourage or require shared use and thus promote social exchange. At the same time, new, sustainable consumption practices are being tried out that are characterized not by the ownership of things, but by temporary access to them. Shared use also reduces the environmental impact of the production and consumption of other items that are not in demand due to a lack of demand. The project is therefore in line with the idea of the sharing economy. This does not aim to generate profits, but rather to increase the utilization of objects as a result of sharing, thereby reducing the need to produce new objects.
For the project, cooperation is sought with partners who can support the project both professionally and financially. The first step is to find a suitable location that is predestined for the use of the objects, accessible without barriers and protected from the weather. Once the lockers have been purchased, it is planned that students and university staff will have the opportunity to participate in a participatory process to help decide which items to lend out. This process will be part of a comprehensive public relations strategy that will also use various channels to promote the project and provide information about the underlying ideas and concepts.
The University of Würzburg's sustainability laboratory WueLAB will be involved in an advisory capacity in every phase of the project. The scientific connection is also provided by the WueLAB. The project will run for one year.
Contact person: Timo Stiller
Email: wueshare@uni-wuerzburg.de