Deutsch Intern

Transformation Experiments

Research and promotion of the culture of sustainability

Transformation Experiments

The WueLAB Sustainability Lab offers stakeholders from science, culture, society and politics the opportunity to get involved in projects on the topic of sustainability, to collaborate or to initiate their own project ideas.

One focus of the project work is the so-called transformation experiments  (overview HERE),, with the help of which sustainable action is to be developed into "best-practice" examples. Transformation options are examined from a wide variety of social and application-specific areas on the basis of scientific processes and procedures and, in the best case, are given model character. The interdisciplinary approach and working method is the key to success here. 

A major concern is to address both the "global player" and the citizens of a region and to motivate them to contribute their own experience and individual expertise in order to contribute to new solutions for the culture of sustainability.

Joint project REKLINEU

The current joint project REKLINEU  is supra-regional and utilizes the interdisciplinarity of the participating universities JMU, THWS und HSWT.

The aim of the joint research is to take stock of current carbon dioxide emissions and their future avoidance, reduction and compensation in the university environment. To this end, the research project combines numerous fields of investigation from the technical and natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences.

Sustainability concepts for regional paths to climate-neutral universities are being developed and evaluated from various perspectives and scientific starting points and, in the best case, can lead to a "best-practice" example.

The joint project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Find out more at (no english version available)