Deutsch Intern
Zentrum für Philologie und Digitalität "Kallimachos"

philtag 4 (2005)

Der 4. Philtag fand am 14./15. Oktober 2005 als TEI-Workshop mit Lou Burnard und Sebastian Rahtz (von der Oxford University) am Kompetenzzentrum für EDV-Philologie in Würzburg statt.

Programm und Material im TEI-Archiv

Course objectives

  1. An understanding of the current status and organization of the TEI
  2. A review of the coverage of TEI P5
  3. An understanding of the customization and internationalization features of TEI P5
  4. Practical experience in:
    • using online tools to build and document a TEI-conformant schema
    • using XML editing software to
      • create new encoded texts
      • standardize existing digital texts
    • Using XML retrieval tools to
      • build a searchable corpus
      • analyse the corpus

Course Prerequisities

The course assumes some previous knowledge of the basics of XML encoding in general and of the TEI system (P4) in particular.

Participants should come prepared to use and adapt their own XML encoded materials.

The Programme

