English Intern
The Fiscal Citizenship Project

Hans-Joachim Lauth

Professor of Comparative Politics and Systems Studies

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Hans-Joachim Lauth (Germany) is Professor of Comparative Politics and Systems Studies at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology (IPS) of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

He has published many articles and books on democracies in comparison, rule of law in comparison, civil society, informal rules (such as corruption and clientelism), Governance, and comparative methods. He has been one of the speaker of the DVPW working group ‘Intercultural Democracy Comparison’ (1997-2006), and of the DVPW working group ‘Democracy Research’ (2006-2012). He has been Board Member of the IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods (2006-2012) and is editor and responsible editor of the journal Comparative Governance and Politics ZfVP (since 2008), member of the Editorial Board of Comparative Sociology (2008-2020) and member of the Editorial Board of Politics and Governance. In his current research activities he is investigating the development of the quality of democracy and its causes and he is a member of the DFG research group ‘Local Self-Regulations in Antiquity and Modernity’.

Main Research fields

Democracies in comparison; legitimation and trust, rule of law in comparison, civil society, informal rules, Governance, migration, local self-regulation, comparative methods

Recently published:

Different Types of Deficient Democracies: Reassessing the Relevance of Diminished Subtypes, in: International Political Science Review (IPCR) (together with Lukas Lemm und Oliver Schlenkrich), first published march 12, 2021


Rise of Populist Parties and Decline of People’s Parties. Loss of Parties as a Guarantor of the Consolidation of Democracy? In: Populism and Democracy, edited by: Sascha Hardt, Aalt Willem Heringa, and Hoai-Thu Nguyen, (together with Christoph Mohamad-Klotzbach), Eleven International Publishers 2020, p. 17-52.

Trade-offs in the Political Realm, Governance and Politics, Special Issue 2019 (editor together with Todd Landman),


Legitimacy and Legitimation, in: The SAGE Handbook of Political Science (eds.: Badie Bertrand; Berg-Schlosser, Dirk; Morlino, Leonardo), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2019, pp. 841-859.

Interdisciplinarity. Foundation of concepts, theories and methods in a humanities and social sciences working group. (together with Rene Pfeilschifter et al.) University of Wuerzburg


Regime Diffusion, in: Merkel, Wolfgang; Kollmorgen, Raj; Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (eds.):  Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, Oxford University Press 2019, p. 615-622.