Würzburger Altertumswissenschaftliches Zentrum

Internationaler Workshop "At the Wedge's Edge"


Workshop am Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik: "At the wedge's edge: Handschriftenanalyse von Keilschrifttexten zwischen Informatik und Philologie" (im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts "3D-Joins und Schriftmetrologie")


On 17-18 October 2013 an interdisciplinary workshop on cuneiform handwriting will take place at the Department of Ancient Cultures (ANES section) of Würzburg University. The workshop is hosted by the BMBF-project "3D-Joins und Schriftmetrologie".

Topics of the workshop include the presentation and discussion of innovative methods of computerized script analysis using 3D models of cuneiform tablets as well as the development and dissemination of consistent frameworks for the description and classification of the handwriting and layout on cuneiform tablets.

The participants of the interdisciplinary workshop include specialists in the fields of Ancient Near Eastern studies, informatics and 3D technologies. The focus will be on three aspects: computer analysis of wedges; parameters and terminology in the description of the layout and script of cuneiform tablets; handwriting identification and classification.



Organisation and contact:



Thursday, 17 October (14:00-19:30 Uhr)

  • Gerfrid G.W. Müller (Würzburg / Mainz)
    3d-Joins und Schriftmetrologie: Perspektiven eines neuen Forschungsansatzes
  • Frank Weichert (Dortmund)
    Herausforderungen und Limitierungen Maschineller Lernverfahren zur Keilschriftanalyse
  • Denis Fisseler (Dortmund)
    Methoden zur interaktiven und automatisierten Analyse dreidimensional digitalisierter Keilschrifttafeln
  • Michele Cammarosano (Würzburg)
    At the Wedge's Edge: Experimente in der rechnergestützten Keilschriftanalyse
  • Hendrik Hameeuw (Leuven)
    Perspectives on the Digital Registration, Research and Publication of Cuneiform Texts: the Leuven Portable Light Dome approach
  • Hubert Mara (Heidelberg)
    Extraktion von Keilschrift aus 3D-Modellen mit GigaMesh
  • Massimiliano Marazzi (Naples)
    Vom territorialen zum Unterwasser-Scanning: Erfahrungen und Experimente im Rahmen des SYNAPSIS-Projekts (Uni. Napoli SOB)


Friday, 18 October (09:00-14:30 Uhr)

  • Shai Gordin (Leuven)
    "Scribal Forensics": Qualitative and Quantitative Visual Appreciation of Hittite Cuneiform
  • Greta Van Buylaere (Würzburg)
    On Some Scribal Habits of Issar-shumu-eresh
  • Jon Taylor (London)
    The Cuneiform Digital Palaeography Project
  • Lisa Wilhelmi (Heidelberg)
    Lines, Holes, Spaces - Individual Scribal Habits or Standardised Approaches to Formatting?
  • Mark Weeden (London)
    Is There Anything Left of the Old Hittite Ductus Types?
  • Willemijn Waal (Leiden / Munich)
    Hittite Clay Tablets: A Diplomatic Approach
  • Mikko Luukko (Würzburg)
    On Sign Forms in Neo-Assyrian Letters



  • Bibliothek der Altorientalistik
    Residenzplatz 2, Tor A, III. Stock, Raum 3.4




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