Graduiertenkolleg 2112 (2015-2020)

GRK Lecture on 6th/7th November 2019


Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus (University of Bielefeld) will visit the GRK2112 on 6th/7th November 2019.

Foto: Universität Bielefeld

You are welcome to attend the GRK Lectures of Prof. Dr. Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus.

Lecture for Students
Title: Schadstoffemissionen, Abgasskandal, Energiewende - braucht es da noch Verbrennungsforschung?
Date: 06.11.2019
Time: 17:00
Place: Seminarraum 211, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Hubland Süd)

Main lecture
Title: Perspectives of combustion chemistry research
Date: 07.11.2019
Time: 10:15
Place: Seminarraum 00.006, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Hubland Nord)
