Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Challenges for Employability and Employability Policies

Datum: 23.04.2020, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, C
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 64, 00.212
Veranstalter: Erwachsenenbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Shalini Singh

Hinweis - Coronavirus: 
Das Seminar wird von der Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung der JMU-Würzburg organisiert.
Wendet euch für aktuelle Informationen (Stattfinden/Esatztermine/Onlineangebote etc.) bitte an die verantwortliche Partnerinstitution.

Uns bekannte Änderungen werden selbstverständlich auch hier im GSiK-Veranstaltungskalender vermerkt.


Employability provides multiple socio-economic solutions (like employment and social cohesion) and drives sustainable growth in an economy. For an individual, it carries the promise of a better life with adequate resources to live comfortably and access opportunities for personal and professional growth. This attracts individuals to take up employment-oriented courses and pursue lifelong learning. Different stakeholders (international institutions, states, regions, municipalities etc.) struggle to facilitate employability through changes in the existing education system. However, employability is not limited to education. It extends to various policy areas like transport, communication and health. Thus, changes in the education system alone (like curriculum changes or ensuring internships) often prove inadequate to curtail the problems of skills mismatch, unemployment, informal employment, limited labour rights, low-productivity  and low-income jobs. Due to its complex nature, employability it is one of the most debated issues in policy circles.

The proposed course discusses global employability policies in detail and facilitates the participants to identify the challenges in relation to employability in their own context (their country, region, lander and the like). The course is divided in three parts: in the first part, the participants will be introduced to conceptual models for policy analysis to understand different aspects of policies in general. In the second part, the employability policies from OECD, World Bank Group, ILO, UNESCO and EU would be discussed in detail to clarify what is meant by employability in terms of policies, what do they aim at and why, and how are they expected to be adopted at state and sub-state levels, implemented and evaluated. In the third part, the participants would be facilitated to identify employability policies from their own context and analyse them to understand how effective they are according to global evaluation standards and identify the barriers for employability from a policy perspective.

Further information on  Wuestudy
