Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Cross-Cultural Communication (Gruppe 2)

Datum: 26.10.2022, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, A
Ort: Hubland Süd, Geb. PH1 (Philosophiegebäude), Übungsraum 10
Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik
Vortragende: Dr. Edwidge Crevecoeur Bryant

Dr. Edwidge Crevecoeur-Bryant is a Professor and Chair of the Education Department at Flagler College, FL., in St. Augustine and Tallahassee, where she also served as the Coordinator of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). She earned a Master of Arts in Educational Administration and a Doctorate in Applied Linguistics with an emphasis in Bilingual/Bicultural Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. She co-authored two books: Educating English Learners: What every classroom teacher needs to know and Show, Tell, Build: 20 Key Instructional Tools and Techniques for English Learners. Dr. Bryant is Haitian and is the General Director of a literacy center in Haiti – OAKA (Oganizasyon Agrikilti Kominote AlfaTeknik) (Organizations Agriculture Community and Literacy). She is a Consultant for the Palm Beach County School District and regularly presents on Haitian history and language. In that capacity, Dr. Bryant assisted in writing and implementing the African and African American History Infusion Curriculum. Lastly, she is the Past President of the Florida Association for Bilingual Educators. For her work and dedication to the field of technology, education, and literacy of Haitian adults, in 2009, she was inducted into the Adult and Community Educators Hall of Fame.

Seminarsprache: Englisch

Das Seminar findet wöchentlich statt. Einzeltermin: Fr., 16.12., 10-18 Uhr.

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