Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Cross-Cultural Management 2

Datum: 19.10.2023, 10:15 - 10.10.2023, 12:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, A, C
Ort: Sanderring 2 (Neue Universität), Raum: Raum 130
Veranstalter: Wirtschaftswissenschaft // Fachbereich: Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Vortragende: Philo Knowles Holland III

Beeinflusst Ihre Muttersprache die Weise, wie Sie denken?
Does your native language affect the way you think?

Is it possible to build trusting business relationships?
Ist es möglich, vertrauensvolle Geschäftsbeziehungen aufzubauen?

Über welche Länder möchten Sie mehr erfahren?

What countries are you most interested in learning about?

Create an individualized intercultural strategy.

Erstellen Sie eine individualisierte interkulturelle Strategie.


Industries, professions, business units, governmental bodies and non-profit organizations all have unique Organizational, or so-called ‘Corporate’ Cultures. Where do these cultures originate? Especially in large, multi-national organizations – they have both a strong central culture and flourishing sub-cultures. This course accompanies students on a journey discovering many cultures, corporate and country alike, within the context of international business. Why is the truth a dangerous topic in Asia? Why are table manners so important in the USA? Can 100% harmony exist in business? These are some of the questions we will examine in this course.

The course is organized in weekly, 2-hour classes. In order to understand the correlations between culture and international business, we will start by reviewing the universal elements of culture – history, religion, climate and language.

The seminar continues with topics such as the influence of Language, the use of time, bridging communication gaps, leadership and organization, team building, motivation and finally with trust.

The course challenges students to think more deeply about what they have learned in the other international business subjects and further develop a better understanding of some central issues in corporate communications, brand management, corporate diversity and post merger collaboration.

Available for the first time to German Universities, students will have the unique opportunity to create their own Individual Behavioral Profile. In addition, this seminar is filled with in-class exercises as well as on-campus activities such as foreign student interviews.

What students are saying…

“CCM2 for me was the right decision. Mr. Holland has great experiences and knowledge, which he shared with us. The interviews are a good chance to train oneself how to better understand other cultures. All in all I would say the seminar was fun and, as I did the last time for CCM1, I will recommend it further to other students.”

Zeit und Ort:

Start: Thursday 19. October 2023 at 10:15 - 11:45 Room 130, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg. For those students unable to attend this first session, there will be a makeup session on Saturday 21. October at 21:00 via Zoom. Students shall write an email to the lecture to request a zoom link.
Weekly: Thursdays at 10:15 - 11:45, Room 130, Sanderring 2

Deutsch und Englisch

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