Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Learning Project in Education: Contemporary issues in adult education from Nigerian and German perspectives

Datum: 15.04.2021, 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, C, D
Ort: Online
Veranstalter: Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung //Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Monika Staab

The online-seminar is focussing on contemporary issues that are of relevance in adult education in Nigeria and Germany. The insights will be shared through video inputs from Nigerian and German perspectives and discussed in online meetings.

The learning project provides students an opportunity to further develop relevant methodological skills and competencies concerning web-based learning tools. Embedded in a theoretical foundation students will plan, produce and evaluate online learning tools in different groups. Besides the planning and discussion sessions it is intended to offer students special training courses e.g. in video technologies in cooperation with the IT support of the JMU Würzburg. It is planned to evaluate the produced learning tools as far as possible. This fosters also students’ skills on course evaluation.
The learning project could be seen as a guided platform to improve real-world self-management skills in an international learning context due to having concrete project goals to achieve.
Students will get encouraged and enabled to properly conceptualize useful instruments which enhance i.e. preparation and/or reflection on special academic learning contents. Further, students are to improve their skills and competencies in handling online learning platforms such as Moodle and necessary technical equipment (i.e. video rooms). Finally, students should get a deeper overall insight into the areas of application of such instruments as well as critically reflect their course outcomes on the basis of a short evaluation. Additionally, students will get in touch with modern project management methods.

The lecture will take place on a weekly basis. 
For more information and application, please visit WueStudy.
