Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Englischsprachiger hybrider Vortrag: Behind the Scenes - concepts of Museum Education

Datum: 19.04.2023, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Kategorie: B, C, D, Workshops
Ort: Sanderring 2 (Neue Universität), Senatssaal
Veranstalter: Alumni Büro // Fachbereich: fächerübergreifend
Vortragende: Iman Abouhasan, Nevine Nazir

Alumna Iman Abouhasan studied museology in Würzburg and heads the children's section of the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the world's largest archaeological museum. She not only wants to make a visit to the museum possible for every age group, but also to make it particularly appealing and eventful. Intercultural exchange is one of the many keys for her and she has been active in the JMU alumni network for years. She is going to talk about "Sparking imagination at children's museum".

Dr Nevine Zakaria is an official at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. As a Humboldt scholarship holder at the University of Würzburg, she researched German museum culture for 2 years and developed a new strategic vision for Egyptian museums. "Dr. Nevine”, as they say in Egypt, sparkles with enthusiasm when she talks about her plans for exhibitions and museums in her home country – especially when it comes to her heart's desire: making museums accessible to everyone! She is going to talk about: "Exploring the Role of Museums in Supporting Human Rights and Advocating for People with Disabilities and Older Adults".

If you want to browse beforehand, you can find Nevine Nizar Zakaria's work here:

Egyptian the Islamic Art Museum ( and  the Egyptian Museum of Tahrir (

We have 20 seats available in the Senate Hall at Sanderring 2. Please register for this via

You can join from home using the following Zoom link:

Meeting-ID: 666 0586 2966
Passwort: 134753

Diese Veranstaltung kann auch im Zertifikat "Nachhaltigkeit und globale Verantwortung" angerechnet werden.
