Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

ENTFÄLLT ! Atharvavedic 'Magic' and the (Ritual) Agency of Women in the Mahabharata

Datum: 05.12.2019, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Kategorie: C, D, Workshops
Ort: Hubland Süd, Geb. PH1 (Philosophiegebäude), Ü 14
Veranstalter: Indologie // Fachbereich: Indologie
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Angelika Malinar



Atharvavedic 'Magic' and the (Ritual) Agency of Women in the Mahabharata

The Atharvaveda is often viewed as being particularly concerned with practices of “magic” and “sorcery” to be employed for various purposes. This view has also influenced the interpretation of instances and characters connected with the Atharvaveda in the Mahābhārata epic. As a result, the vocabulary and the semantics of "magic" populate the rendering of Atharvavedic themes in the epic—often without addressing the conceptual issues implied in the use of the label “magic” for epic receptions of the Atharvaveda. In discussing some of these issues, the talk revisits epic passages that have been interpreted as depictions of "sorcery". The focus is on epic representations of such practices in domestic settings, in which women are cast as wielding power due to (ritual) knowledge based on the Atharvaveda.


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