Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Gender and sexuality in popular and traditional musics (Aktuelle und historische Themenfelder der Ethnomusikologie)

Datum: 05.10.2021, 20:19 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, B, C, D
Veranstalter: thnomusikologie // Fachbereich: Ethnomusikologie
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Juniper Hill

In this course we will explore a variety of issues concerning gender and sexuality in traditional and popular music-cultures from around the world.  We will examine local and cross-cultural case studies in order to understand the different methods through which music acquires gendered and sexualized meaning and efficacy in society.  Themes may include: how music maintains gender inequalities and enforces subjugating behavior; how music is used to protest and resist gender and sexuality beliefs and norms; how performers are restricted by sexism and stereotyping in the music industry; how transgender performers defy or enforce gender expectations; how listeners identify with music and build fan communities; and how music empowers gender and sexual identities and expressions.

The course is currently planned to take place on campus. If you, for health-related reasons, prefer to participate in this course via Zoom, please get in touch with the lecturer Prof. Juniper Hill. 

For further information please visit WueStudy.
