Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Guest Lecture: The Relationship of Roma Women with Educational centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Datum: 09.05.2023, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Kategorie: B, C, Workshops
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 64, Room 00.212 OR Online via Zoom
Veranstalter: Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung
Vortragende: Ane López de Aguileta

The scientific literature shows how, in addition to existing educational inequalities among Roma, the shift to online educati on has negatively affected Roma students. There is also evidence that Roma women are often stereotyped as submissive and uninterested in education (neither their own nor that of their families). However, there is also evidence of the agency of these women in transforming and improving their com- munities, including on educational level. This paper responds to a gap in the literature, as there has been little research on the role of Roma women in education during the pandemic. Through the R+D+i ROM21 project, five women's focus groups and life histories were conducted with 42 Roma women and 8 Roma men from three different Spanish regions, as well as interviews with 27 professionals from educ ation, so- cial services and civic organisations. The interviewees stated that, despite having felt abandoned by some educational centre s, it was the Roma women who were most connected to the educational centres and who were an agent of transformation in their communities to move forward with their own education and that of their families.


Ane López de Aguileta, Visiting Predoctoral Researcher at the University of Würzburg and Predoctoral Researcher at University of Barcelona.

The lecture will take place in a hybrid mode: Online (via Zoom) and on Campus (University of Würzburg, Bibliotheks- & Seminarzentrum, Room 00.212, Josef-Martin-Weg, 97074 Würzburg) Please register until May 8, 2023 via the QR-code or by following the link: By participating, you agree that the lecture may be recorded. The recordings are used for academic and research purposes only.

Der Vortrag kann auch für das Zertifikat "Nachhaltigkeit und globale Verantwortung" angerechnet werden.
