Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

In the Making of an European Lifelong Learning Policy in between 1993 and 2020: Choices and Limitations

Datum: 09.11.2021, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Kategorie: B, C, Workshops
Ort: Online via Zoom
Veranstalter: Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Balázs Neméth

The lecture will provide a detailed analysis upon rise and fall of the European Lifelong Learning Policy Focus and reflect on its choices and limitations. It will also highlight some implications what perspective this may offer to higher education organisations referring to university lifelong learning.

To register, interested parties are asked to send an email to Registration closes on November 1th, 2021. By participating, you agree that the workshop may be recorded. The recording are used for acedemic and research purposes only. 
