Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

International Guest Lecture: Adult Learning in Life Crises Situations

Datum: 14.12.2022, 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr
Kategorie: B, C, Workshops
Ort: Online via Zoom
Veranstalter: Erwachsenen-/Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Pejatović

The significance and role of learning, during or immediately after a crisis, will be followed through four stories based on conducted empirical research, connected to different crises induced by: exile, hyperinflation and sanctions, bombardment and Covid-19 pandemic disease.


Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Pejatović; DAAD Visiting Professor at the University of Würzburg, Professor at the Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy

The lecture will take place via Zoom. Register until December 14, 2022 using the following link ( By participating, you agree that the lecture may be recorded. The recordings are used for academic and research purposes only.

Der Vortrag kann dem Zertifikat "Nachhaltigkeit und globale Verantwortung" angerechnet werden. 
