Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

International policy of adult education (6.Parallelgruppe)

Datum: 12.04.2021, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, B, C
Veranstalter: Professur für Erwachsenenbildung /Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Katharina Popovic

International policy of adult education (6.Parallelgruppe) - Modul: Aufgabenfelder und Institutionen lebenslangen Lernens

As the consequence of increased globalisation and intertwined development on global, regional and national level, education and adult education are increasingly subjects of global policy creation and dissemination. Although it is seen as the subject of national sovereignty, belonging to the field of ’soft policy’, there are more efforts to define some common goals and targets for all countries. The seminar will explore main actors in the global policy creation (UN, UNESCO, World Bank, OECD), their discourses in adult education, the mandate, methods and mechanisms of their education policy creation and implementation. The impact of their various discourses on different aspects of economic, social and environmental development will be discussed, too.
Since these organisations and their policies are present or reflected in national education agendas, it is important to get students familiar with the Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Education 2030 Framework for Action. Intersectoral approaches and the importance of adult education for other goals will be explored as well. Especially, lifelong learning as the most important concept will be explored – its development, background, impact and epistemological and political discourses behind.
As Europe as an educational space became reality for many students, the education policy of the EU will also be considered. However, it is situated in the relationship with the global context and in the intertwined influences and interests. Having in mind the need for increased civic awareness and active citizens in the context of challenges of modern Europe, civil society as an actor of education policy and practice will be analysed, both at European and global level.
Deeper understanding, as well as critical reflection of existing policies are the precondition for the capability of engaging in planning, implementing and monitoring education at any level. Furthermore, the linkages between global goals and local/national realities became a new challenge for modern European countries and their educational actors.

The lecture will take place on a weekly basis. 
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