Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Learnig Project: Contemporary issues in adult education from Nigerian and German perspectives

Datum: 01.09.2020, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, B, C, D
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 64, 00.204
Veranstalter: Erwachsenenbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Regina Theresia Egetenmeyer, Clara Kuhlen

The learning project "Contemporary issues in adult education from Nigerian and German perspectives" aims at providing students an insight in contemporary issues that are of relevance in adult education in Nigeria and Germany. One example for that could be the developments influenced by the COVID 19 pandemic on organizations , the staff and the methods used in adult education. The insights will be shared through video inputs from Nigerian and German perspecitves and discussed in online meetings. As a basis for those discussions, participants will also gain an understanding of the respectives contexts of adult education in Nigeria in Germany in general, of vital organizations in the field and to the employment of staff in adult education. Broader, intercontinental perspectives of Africa and Europa will be included in the scope of the discussions in the course and insights/discussion about other countries in addition to Nigeria and Germany, e.g. by exchange students, are, of course, also appreciated."

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