Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Needs, wants, demand and supply: Engaging adults in learning. Aims and objectives of the course

Datum: 16.10.2019, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, C, D
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 64, 00.212
Veranstalter: Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Alan Tuckett

Needs, wants, demand and supply: Engaging adults in learning. Aims and objectives of the course (Bildung, Beratung und Kompetenzentwicklung, Gruppe 01)

The overall aim of the course is to identify effective strategies for engaging adults, and in particular those from marginalised groups in adult learning and education. The course will examine the patterns of adult participation in formal, non-formal and informal learning, and identify under-represented groups, drawing on the range of participation studies and frameworks developed over the last 20 years. It will look at the economic, social and civic benefits observable from participation. It will note the framework of European lifelong learning policy, its identification of core adult competences, and the 2020 participation target. It will then examine local and national, business and community-based strategies which have been used to engage adults in learning, and how they shape demand and supply; it will look at groups under-represented in adult learning, the barriers to their participation, and how these can be overcome.

1. We will examine European and national policies to increase demand for education and training, and consider evidence of impact of fiscal and regulatory measures in different contexts.  We will seek evidence on the comparative success of national strategies in stimulating participation and achievement among different groups, including those under-represented in structured provision.
2. Evidence based policy depends critically on the nature and quality of evidence collected.  We will examine what kind of data is collected by different agencies to identify learning needs, and also how evidence is evaluated.  Among the measures to be considered are labour market forecasting, demographic trends, local population and participation mapping, global, national and sector skills analyses, as well as student surveys.  We will consider how best qualitative evidence can contribute to effective policy making.
3. We will review key findings on adult motivation to learn, and the interplay of human, social and identity capital in affecting a propensity to learn, as well as the significance of key moments of transition in adults’ lives.
4. We will review educational guidance and advice services, asking how far they need to be different from provision for young people to meet adults’ needs.
5. Key questions adult education planners need to ask is ‘who isn’t there and what can be done about it?’   We will look at different mechanisms for engaging locally under-represented groups – through outreach work, partnership working, working through intermediaries, curriculum and organisational innovation, and targeted provision – to identify common themes for local planning.
6. At CONFINTEA V in 1997, UNESCO adopted proposals to promote Adult Learners’ Weeks/ learning festivals as mechanisms for stimulating demand through the celebration of existing adult learners.  We will examine the success of this strategy, and the potential for marketing led activities for stimulating more and different learners to engage with learning.
7. We will examine the potential of on-line campaigning to engage adults

The seminar takes place weekly.

Further information and registration on WueStudy.
