Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Planetary Health: Dimensions

Datum: 02.12.2020, 17:00 - 18:30 Uhr
Kategorie: B, Workshops
Ort: Online via Zoom
Veranstalter: Deutsche Allianz Klima und Gesundheit // Fachbereich: fächerübergreifend
Vortragende: Gary Belkin, Nosiku Munyinda, Sonja Schönberg

Planetary Health is a scientific discipline, a philosophy for living and a social movement. In the second lecture, we will elaborate on some of the core dimensions of planetary health. In the first lecture series, we focused on the impact of climate change and biodiversity loss on health. This time we will have a closer look at environmental pollution as a consequence of human behaviour and mental health impacts related to climate and environmental change.

To participate in the lecture, you have to register beforehand  by 4 PM CET Wednesday. Registration after this point will only allow you to join the following session, taking place two weeks later.

This lecture is part of the planetary health academy. Further lectures offered are:

02.12.2020, 5 PM: Planetary Health Dimensions

16.12.2020, 5PM: Planetary Health Ethics

13.01.2021, 5 PM: Gender and Global South Perspective


17.01.2021, 5 PM: Urban Development and Planetary Health

10.02.2021, 5 PM: Examples of transformation



Access to Zoom: 
After registration 
Confirmation of attendence:
Confirm your attendence for the GSiK certificate through registration.
