Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

Planetary Health – Perspectives from Eastern Africa (Vortragsreihe Planetare Gesundheit: Klima.Umwelt.Gesundheit)

Datum: 08.07.2021, 17:00 Uhr
Kategorie: C, D, Workshops
Ort: Online via Zoom
Veranstalter: Medizinische Fakultät // Fachbereich: Medizin
Vortragende: Nightingale Wakigera, Melvine Otieno

Target groups: Professionals and those interested in health (care) both in Würzburg, Bavaria and beyond as well as in (Eastern) Africa with a special focus on colleagues in the partner city of Würzburg in Mwanza, Tanzania.

1. Collaboratively connecting Child and Planetary Health through diverse and equitable community partnerships
Nightingale Wakigera is a nurse originating from Kenya and currently pursuing a Master‘s degree in One Health. As a leader of the Africa Community of Planetary Partners for Health and Environment (ACOPPHE ) and a co-leader of the Child Health is Planetary Health (CHIP), she will talk about how these networks contribute to the vision of a healthy and sustainable Africa for all.

2. Eastern African Challenges and Opportunities on the way to Planetary Health
Melvine Otieno is an environmental health scientist and early career researcher currently finalizing her MSc in Environmental Health at the University of Eldoret, Kenya. While Planetary Health is a global issue, the Eastern African region has its own challenges as well as opportunities surrounding the interlinkages of humans and nature. As the founder of the Planetary Health Eastern Africa Hub, she will focus on the specific challenges and opportunities of this region on the way to Planetary Health.

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Lectures Planetary Health: Climate.Environment.Health 
The climate crisis and other global environmental changes are already affecting health on a global and local scale, with further extensive changes in the future. Evidence on these interactions is steadily growing, and everybody in health care and with an interest in health needs to understand the far-reaching connections in the context of planetary health. 
With this short seminar series, we aim to provide an overview along the spectrum of mitigation ("prevent the unmanageable") and adaptation ("manage the the unpreventable") to give a first insight into the field of Planetary Health. It is organised by the team Planetary and Global Health of the medical school at Würzburg University.

Find all lectures on this poster
For more information, please see here: Seminarreihe Planetare Gesundheit: Klima.Umwelt.Gesundheit. - Medizinische Fakultät (

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