Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

The Ghats of Benares. Living with the Variations of a River

Datum: 14.01.2020, 16:15 - 17:45 Uhr
Kategorie: C, D, Workshops
Ort: Hubland Süd, Geb. PH1 (Philosophiegebäude), Ü23
Veranstalter: Indologie // Fachbereich: Indologie
Vortragende: Dr. Savitri Jalais

In Benares, known as India’s most sacred pilgrimage site, ghatsor steps are constructed along the Ganges so as to respond to the variations in the river’s water level. The flow of the river, its stretch, and its level vary according to the seasons and the steps are adapted to these variations so as to link the city level to the river’s lowest water level. Depending on the seasons, the ghatsare either submerged and become part of the water domain or, when above water level, they offer an open urban space. This presentation explores the various ways in which architectural elements are integrated to the river bank, linking the city to the river and offering a place for diverse practices and symbolic trajectories.

Lecture by Dr. Savitri Jalais, from École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Toulouse

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