Globale Systeme und interkulturelle Kompetenz

The role of adult learning and education in the different perspectives on lifelong learning offered by UNESCO, OECD and the European Union

Datum: 17.10.2019, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Blockseminare, B, C
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 64, 00.212
Veranstalter: Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung // Fachbereich: Pädagogik
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Alan Tuckett

The role of adult learning and education in the different perspectives on lifelong learning offered by UNESCO, OECD and the European Union (Theoretische Grundlagen, Geschichte und gesellschaftlich Bedingungen von EB/WB, Gruppe 01)

This course introduces students to the radically different visons of lifelong learning embodied in the work of UNESCO, in the work of the Organisation for Economic Development and of the European Union, which influence policies and practices in national contexts, their evolution and current focus. It does this in the context of exploring the role adult learning and education can play in addressing the range of challenges facing modern society as highlighted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the emergence of a fourth industrial revolution.

On the one hand, the UNESCO approach is grounded in the affirmation of education as a human right. This is reflected in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in December 2015, which emphasises the link between education and sustainable development, and the inter-sectoral approaches to adult education and lifelong learning adopted by the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning.  

On the other hand, OECD has developed a range of analyses of lifelong learning policy, and practice informed by the perspective of human capital theory.  We will in the course, look in particular at the findings of the 2013 publication, Survey of Adult Skills, which constituted the first key findings of OECD’s Programme of International Assessment of Adult Competences, with its primary focus on the extent of adults’ skills in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology rich contexts.

A third perspective, on the focus and range of adult learning and education is offered in the policies of the European Union.

During the course students will learn the key elements of these different perspectives, and will analyse critically the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches in the light of the technological, ecological, demographic and civic challenges facing modern society, and the striking increase in inequality in what is overall a more prosperous world. They will also evaluate their comparative impact on a single national country.  For this activity students will have two key texts – the third UIL Global report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE 3) published in 2016, and the PIAAC Survey on Adult Skills of 2013.


The seminar takes place weekly.

Further information and registration on  WueStudy.
