Vortrag: Why This New Fascination: The Islamic Imaginary of Modern Jewish Thought
Datum: | 26.10.2022, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr |
Kategorie: | Workshops |
Ort: | Online via Zoom |
Veranstalter: | GSiK // Fachbereich: fächerübergreifend |
Vortragende: | Prof. Dr. Susannah Heschel |
Starting in the 1830s, Jews in Europe became prominent scholars of the Qur'an and early Islam. Emphasizing parallels between the Qur’an and rabbinic writings, they developed affirmations of Islam that differed considerably from their more negative views of Christianity. Their scholarship continued, albeit with some changes in tone, until the 1930s, and then migrated to other parts of the world. Theirs was a unique Orientalism that is recognized until today with having established the field of Islamic Studies and viewed Islam as a treasury of profound and helpful insights and as a signal of Judaism’s centrality in the construction of the West.
Susannah Heschel is the Eli M. Black Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Jewish Studies Program at Dartmouth College. She is the author of Der jüdische Jesus und das Christentum: Abraham Geigers Herausforderung an die christliche Theologie, The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany, and Jüdischer Islam: Islam und jüdisch-deutsche Selbstbestimmung. She has also published several co-edited volumes, including The Muslim Reception of European Orientalism, with Umar Ryad. She is a Guggenheim Fellow and has also held research grants from the Carnegie Foundation and the Ford Foundation. She has been awarded five honorary doctorates and held year-long fellowships at the National Humanities Center and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
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