Hochschuldidaktik ProfiLehre

C/D: Assessing Student Performance (Online)

Datum: 05.11.2024, 09:00 - 26.11.2024, 12:30 Uhr
Kategorie: C2, D2
Ort: Online


  • select forms of assessment, evaluation, and feedback for your courses that are coherent with defined aims and learning outcomes,
  • choose adequate methods through which students can demonstrate their learning outcomes,
  • design criteria catalogues including performance criteria you want to assess, evaluate and provide feedback on,
  • make use of constructive feedback, e.g. in the context of student presentations.

In this Online-Workshop we address how you can plan and carry out assessment, evaluation, and feedback on student performance effectively, coherent with the defined learning outcomes. For this purpose, we look into leading principles of University Teaching and Learning that help us choose appropriate methods and criteria to assess, evaluate, provide and gain constructive feedback. Through input by the trainer, as well as reflexion, discussion and exercises carried out individually, in pairs and in groups, we move along, working on your specific courses.

Between Workshop-day 1 and 2, you will have the opportunity to work out more specifically how to assess and evaluate your students. With 12 AE plus AE for self-study-time, the workshop will provide an insight into crucial aspects of assessing and evaluating student performance, including examples from practice, while giving you the chance to start / go on designing your individual approaches, taking into account onsite- and online-teaching, learning, and assessing.

Course instructor: Alexandra Bergedick



  • Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 9.00 am to 2.30 pm
  • Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 9.00 am to 10.30 am
  • Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 9.00 am to 12.30 pm


  • Online (Zoom)
  • In this course you will receive a work assignment (2 AE). Completion of this task is mandatory in order to receive the certificate of attendance.


  • Participation fee:
    • free of cost for lecturers at JMU
    • 50€ for participants from partner universities (ProfiLehrePlus)
  • Work units (Arbeitseinheiten): 10 AE in area C und 4 in Area D
  • Availability: There are enough seminar places available.
  • This way to the registration form. Here you can also enter other courses for which you would like to register.
