Hochschuldidaktik ProfiLehre

B/D: Interactive Methods in Online Teaching (Online)

Datum: 05.12.2025, 09:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Kategorie: B2, D2
Ort: Online


  • understand the role and relevance of interactive methods in live online teaching,
  • learn about the didactic and methodological design of live online courses,
  • get to know and try out different interactive methods and digital tools for your own teaching purposes and
  • reflect on the opportunities and limitations of these methods and digital tools in live online teaching.

In this workshop, you will learn about different methods and digital tools for more interaction in live online teaching to stimulate and positively support students' learning processes. Together we will try out selected methods for the different phases of your teaching – from the introduction and activation of preliminary knowledge, through knowledge acquisition and consolidation, to feedback and conclusion. The workshop offers space for exchanging experiences and reflecting on the opportunities and limitations of the methods and tools discussed. The practical exercises along with the reflections and exchange will enable you to expand your individual toolbox with concrete and pragmatically applicable methods and techniques.

Course instructor: Dr. Monika Staab



  • Friday, 5 December 2025, from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm


  • Online (Zoom)
  • For this course, you need a WueCampus account. For instructions on how to create a guest account for participants from the PLP network, click here.


  • Participation fee:
    • free of cost for lecturers at JMU
    • 35€ for participants from partner universities (ProfiLehrePlus)
  • Work units (Arbeitseinheiten): 6 AE in area B and 2 AE in area D
  • Availability: Free places available.
  • This way to the registration form. Here you can also enter other courses for which you would like to register.
