Personalentwicklung an der JMU

Lunch & Learn Business: Reaching goals with more result orientation

How to use simple tools for more focus, stronger decision-making and efficient teamwork
Datum: 04.12.2019, 12:15 - 13:45 Uhr
Kategorie: Research Academy, Lunch & Learn, R1, R2, R3, R4, Führung, Karriere
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 21, 2.001
Veranstalter: JMU Research Academy, Wissenschaftliche Personalentwicklung
Vortragende: Christelle Linsenmann


We often feel that our week could have more than seven days. Digitalisation, globalisation and increasing pressure lead to a rise in our tasks. How do I set my goals and what do I really need to achieve this goal? How do I generate ideas and which tools are helpful to focus and take decisions? Have I missed the connection yet and is my team still following? You may already have asked yourself these questions. Often the feeling arises that you get bogged down and no longer live up to the tasks. Indeed in such situations the really important things are often neglected.

One way to focus is the catchword "result orientation". What is the difference between task, goal and result? What does a result-oriented attitude and leadership look like? And what "management tools" can help me to achieve my goals in an academic or business context? We would like to answer these questions in context of today's event.



The lecture will take place at lunchtime – therefore we invite you to a small cold lunch during the lecture in a relaxed atmosphere, so that you can start the rest of the day strengthened and with new inputs.


