English Intern
  • Neue Universität, Lichthof
  • Stadt Würzburg, Fluss, Burg, Freizeit
  • Campus Nord, Brücke
Siebold-Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies

Flight and Science - hybrid event

Datum: 01.07.2022, 18:00 Uhr
Vortragende: Prof. Ghanya Al-Ghaneb and Dr. Hina Ghafoor

JMU guest researchers and alumni will present and discuss their own experiences, considerations, and campaigns for refugee scientists in a familiar atmosphere. Afterwards, all present guests will cook together with their favourite spices from all over the world. Please feel free to join the meeting online: https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom.us/j/62074897675?pwd=R3IzNGhyVnpxTUxVRER2V2FEQmdzQT09 Meeting-ID: 620 7489 7675 Passwort: 702362
