English Intern
Siebold-Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies

Guest Lectures

Datum: 04.07.2023, 18:00 Uhr
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zahit Tiryaki & Prof. Dr. Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Prof. Dr. Lori Kruckenberg & Prof. Dr. Andreas Haug, Prof. Dr. Ramon Flecha & Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenemeyer

In the SCIAS guest lectures, the visiting professors and their hosts of the university introduce themselves and their research areas in the lecture hall of the Welz house to fellow guests, hosts and an interested audience of the university and the city in short 20-minute keynote lectures. Afterwards, all the participants have the opportunity to discuss and learn more about the respective projects and research areas to promote international and interdisciplinary exchange, dialogue and cooperation.


  • Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zahit Tiryaki (Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Turkey) & Prof. Dr. Dag Nikolaus Hasse (Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Philosophie, JMU): Mind-Body Relationship: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
  • Prof. Dr. Lori Kruckenberg (University of Oregon, USA) & Prof. Dr. Andreas Haug (Lehrstuhl für Musikwissenschaft II, JMU): Locating Women’s Voices in the Era of Monastic Reforms: Discourses from the Long Twelfth Century 
  • Prof. Dr. Ramon Flecha (University of Barcelona, Spain) & Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenemeyer (Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education, JMU): Social Impact of Science: A requirement of Academic Research and Teaching

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zahit Tiryaki is an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy of the Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Turkey) He is staying at the Welz house for one year, as a guest of Prof. Dr. Dag Nikolaus Hasse from the Institute of Philosophy (JMU). He is currently conducting research on the soul-body relationship debates and basic approaches in classical and post-classical Islamic philosophy and theology.

Prof. Dr. Lori Kruckenberg is an associate professor at the School of Music and Dance of the University of Oregon (U.S.). She is staying at the Welz house for two months during the summer of 2023 as a guest of Prof. Dr. Andreas Haug from the Institute of Music Research (JMU). She is currently working on a research project on the function and status of the female cantor (cantrix) in the church of the Latin Middle Ages.

Prof. Dr. Ramon Flecha is an Emeritus Full Professor at the School of Sociology of the University of Barcelona (Spain). He is staying at the Welz house for four months, as a guest of Prof. Dr. phil. Regina Egetenmeyer from the Institute for Education (JMU). He is currently teaching within the framework of an international guest lectureship at the Professorship of Adult and Continuing Education.

The presentation and the following discussion are open to the public and will be held in English. All interested parties are welcome!

For more information, please consult the official invitation. Registration is requested.

Contact: SCIAS Office, scias-office@uni-wuerzburg.de

