English Intern
  • Neue Universität, Lichthof
  • Stadt Würzburg, Fluss, Burg, Freizeit
  • Campus Nord, Brücke
Siebold-Collegium Institute for Advanced Studies

Guest Lectures (About Inorganic Chemistry, China Business and Physics)

Boron: Why we should care about Carbon's neglected neighbor, China-German industrial linkages, Quantum mechanics in the lab can explain the origin of space and time
Datum: 28.05.2024, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Caleb Martin, Prof. Dr. Danlu Liu, Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaminski

In the SCIAS guest lectures, the visiting professors and their hosts of the university introduce themselves and their research areas in the lecture hall of the Welz house to fellow guests, hosts and an interested audience of the university and the city in short 20-minute keynote lectures. Afterwards, all the participants have the opportunity to discuss and learn more about the respective projects and research areas to promote international and interdisciplinary exchange, dialogue and cooperation.


  • Prof. Dr. Caleb Martin (Baylor University, USA): Boron: Why we should care about Carbon's neglected neighbor
  • Prof. Dr. Danlu Liu (Nanjing University, China): China-German industrial linkages
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaminski (University of Alabama, USA): Quantum mechanics in the lab can explain the origin of space and time

Prof.  Dr. Caleb Martin is an Associate Professor (promotion to Professor effective August 1st, 2024) at Baylor University in Waco, Texas USA. He will be staying at the Welz house for 3 months (May-July) while being a Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis with Boron. He grew up and was educated in Canada prior to taking his position in the USA. His research program is focused on synthesizing boron compounds for electronic materials and for catalytic bond transformations.

Prof. Dr. Danlu Liu is an associate professor at the School of Government, Nanjing University, China. She is staying at the Welz house for one year, as a guest of Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer from the Department of Sinology at JMU.  During her stay, she is investigating on the issue of Sino-German economic links, in particular whether there has been any decoupling of economic linkages between the two countries in the context of the restructuring of global value chains.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaminski is an associate professor at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Alabama, USA. After spending several months of his sabbatical year 2022 at the Welz house, he is returning to stay for one month this time, as a guest of Prof. Dr. Ronny Thomale from the Institute of Physics at JMU. He is currently conducting research at the intersection of Black Hole Physics, Condensed Matter and Particle Physics. Specifically, he is exploring the black hole information paradox and its relation to quantum information theory as well as quantum computing. 

The presentation and the following discussion are open to the public and will be held in English. All interested parties are welcome!

For more information, please consult the official invitation. Registration is requested.

Contact: SCIAS Office, scias-office@uni-wuerzburg.de
