Cost of living
The prices mentioned below are pretty similar to those in most of the typical, middle sized German university cities.
- Accommodation: There are many different ways students live in Würzburg. Some stay in dormitories run by the Student Union; others share a private apartment, yet others enjoy the luxury of their own apartment. You may spend anywhere from ~300-600 €/month.
- Food: A meal at the University canteen is between 3,5 and 5 €; at a (not too luxurious) restaurant, you will pay between 8 (special lunch offers) and 20 € for a meal.
- Compulsory student health insurance is about 140€/month
- A used bicycle is around 150 €
- Mobile phone / internet (free WiFi at the university, but not outside) will cost you between 5 and 30 €/month (not counting international calls)
All in all, this can easily add up to 800 €/month. Below that, you may have to compromise a lot. Our ministry believes that the minimum is even higher (992€/month). Therefore, in order to receive a visa for Germany, you will have to put 11,904 € for one year on a blocked account.
University fees
The following university fees apply per term (=semester=half a year), regardless of where you come from:
- Student Union: 72 € (no exemptions: Student Union provides subsidized meals at the university canteens, and subsidized housing)
- Obligatory public transport ticket: 96.50 € (no exemptions; absolutely necessary anyway to get around in Würzburg and valid for the surroundings of Würzburg as well)
There are no study fees regarding the program as such.
After the first year, if you enter a doctoral project, you will still have to pay the fees until you finish the MSc, but you will already receive a regular salary or fellowship for doctoral researchers, which amounts to ~1500 €/month (depending on several individual factors).
Note however:
1. You must fulfil the fast track criteria to be allowed to start a doctoral project in the second year.
2. Doctoral projects are not assigned or guaranteed. Be prepared to spend some time for the transition.
3. Thus: Do not apply for the program if the most you can afford to finance yourself is the first year.
Fellowships and other sources of income
Your home country: As an international student you may find a way to receive a fellowship from your national government. Some countries actually have large fellowship programs.
German federal and state support:
- EU citizens may apply for a student loan according to BAföG.
- The German Academic Exchange Service provides fellowship support for international students, and so does the state of Bavaria.
- Deutschlandstipendium: a partial scholarship of 300 €/month
Prospective students from Central, Eastern or Southeastern Europe, please contact us at least one year ahead of application regarding BAYHOST fellowships (deadline 1st December each year).
Local support - The Graduate School of Life Sciences and local collaborative research centers and research training groups may provide fellowships for students following the fast track path in the second semester of the program (600-800 €/month). Note however, that this source is subject to availability and other parameters and not guaranteed in any way.
Work Income - Non EU international students with a student visa are allowed to work for only 90 full or 180 half days per year. Teaching assistantships or similar jobs at the university are exempt from such limitations. Consider however, that the MSc study program FOKUS Life Sciences is very demanding and will not easly leave you much time to work on the side.