Zentrum für Philologie und Digitalität "Kallimachos"

PD Dr. Christian Reul

University of Würzburg
Centre for Philology and Digitality

Emil-Hilb-Weg 23
Campus Hubland Nord
D-97074 Würzburg 

Room: 00.010
Phone: +49 931 / 31 - 80722



Qualifications and Career

  • 07/2024: Postdoctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) and Venia Legendi (09/24) in the subject Applied Computer Science (University of Würzburg)
  • 09/2023: Offering of Academy Professorship (W2) for “Research Software Engineering in the Digital Humanities” (Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz / University of Marburg) – declined
  • Since 10/2018 (provisionally until 08/2021): Head of the Digitization Unit of the Centre for Philology and Digitality (University of Würzburg)
  • 10/2015-08/2020: Doctoral studies at the Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science (University of Würzburg). Dr. rer. nat. obtained in 08/2020. Doctoral thesis: An Intelligent Semi-Automatic Workflow for Optical Character Recognition of Historical Printings
  • 10/2015-10/2018: Research assistant at the Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science (University of Würzburg)
  • 2009-2015: Studies of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg. M.Sc. (specialized in Intelligent Systems) obtained in 10/2015.


Major Research Grants (as applicant)


Selected Projects (participation as co-investigator and/or technical partner)


Honors and Awards


Academic Activities

  • Member of IAPR, DAGM, EADH, DHd
  • DHd Working Group OCR (Founding Chairman, Convenor 2019-23)
  • Joint Organizer of the Working Group "Philology and Digitality" at the University of Würzburg
  • Reviewer of research grants for several funding organziations in Germany and Austria
  • Reviewer for various journals and conferences in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, and Digital Humanities; among others IJDAR, DHQ, JOCCH, JDMDH, JLCL, ICPR, VISAPP, DATeCH, HiP, QURATOR, EADH, CHR, and LREC


Selected Publications

A (somewhat) complete list of publications I co-authored can be found here.


  • OCR4all 1.0 – Flexible open-source OCR/HTR based on various single-step Solutions. Nöth, Maximilian; Baier, Herbert; Reul, Christian. In 16th IAPR International Workshop On Document Analysis Systems (DAS). 2024.
  • Open Source Handwritten Text Recognition on Medieval Manuscripts using Mixed Models and Document-Specific Finetuning. Reul, Christian; Tomasek, Stefan; Langhanki, Florian; Springmann, Uwe. In 15th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS). 2022.
  • One-Model Ensemble-Learning for Text Recognition of Historical Printings. Wick, Christoph; Reul, Christian. In 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). 2021.
  • Mixed Model OCR Training on Historical Latin Script for Out-of-the-Box Recognition and Finetuning. Reul, Christian; Wick, Christoph; Nöth, Maximilian; Büttner, Andreas; Wehner, Maximilian; Springmann, Uwe. In 6th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP). 2021.
  • Calamari - A High-Performance Tensorflow-based Deep Learning Package for Optical Character Recognition. Wick, Christoph; Reul, Christian; Puppe, Frank. In Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(2). 2020.
  • OCR4all - An Open-Source Tool Providing a (Semi-)Automatic OCR Workflow for Historical Printings. Reul, Christian; Christ, Dennis; Hartelt, Alexander; Balbach, Nico; Wehner, Maximilian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Grundig, Christine; Büttner, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In Applied Sciences, 9(22). 2019.
  • Automatic Semantic Text Tagging on Historical Lexica by Combining OCR and Typography Classification. Reul, Christian; Göttel, Sebastian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Würzner, Kay-Michael; Puppe, Frank. In 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage (DATeCH). 2019.
  • Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by combining Pretraining, Voting, and Active Learning. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In JLCL: Special Issue on Automatic Text and Layout Recognition, 33(1), pp. 3–24. 2018.
  • Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by Utilizing Cross Fold Training and Voting. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS). 2018.