philtag 3 (2004)
philtag 3 fand am 8./9. Oktober 2004 als TEI-Workshop mit Lou Burnard und Laurant Romary in Würzburg statt.
Material und Programm im TEI-Archiv
Course objectives
- An understanding of the current status and organization of the TEI
- A review of the coverage of TEI P5
- An understanding of the new customization and internationalization features of TEI P5
- Practical experience using the TEI Knoppix distribution in particular the Roma tool for building and documenting a TEI-conformant schema
- An awareness of the capabilities of XML aware retrieval tools
Course Prerequisities and teachers
The course assumes some previous knowledge of the basics of XML encoding in general and of the TEI system (P4) in particular.
As background reading, we recommend
- TEI Lite manual
- Tag index for TEI reference manual
- OASIS Tutorial on RelaxNG
- Information on TEI P5
- the Xaira web site
- The new TEI schema constructor
This course was taught by Lou Burnard and Laurent Romary, and generously hosted by the Kompetenzzentrum für EDV-Philologie at the University of Würzburg.
The Programme
- 0900 Whither the TEI? Introductory talk on the current and future status of the TEI, its organization, mission, and future directions, and relation to other standards efforts. (LR)
- 0945 Discussion; review of participants' encoding needs
- 1000TEI contents: an overview of the modules making up TEI P5 (LR)
- 1045: Coffee
- 1115: Roma exercise building a simple TEI schema for web pages with graphics and sound
- 1245: Discussion and lunch
- [Afternoon free for meeting of Wuerzburg Philtag Initiative]
- 1700-1800Releasing the power of your XML markup Public lecture on XAIRA (LB)
- 0930: One Document Does It All An introduction to the ODD system (LB)
- 1015: The TEI dictionary model and how to use it (LR)
- 1100: Coffee
- 1130: TEI Proposals for manuscript description (LB)
- We also prepared but (through lack of time) did not use a brief presentation on the proposals for TEI Pointing.
- 1215: Closing discussion: several encouraging comments and constructive suggestions
- [Afternoon free for meeting of Technical Committee of the German Working Group on Philosophical Editions]
The Participants
- Hans-Werner Bartz, Universität Trier
- Eva-Maria Brandstädter, Friedrich-List-Gymnasium, Gemünden
- Thomas Burch, Universität Trier
- Lou Burnard, Oxford Computing Services
- Alexander Dotor, Universität Darmstadt
- Maria Burger, Albertus-Magnus-Institut Bonn
- Conrad Drescher, Universität Würzburg
- Andreas Faulstich, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Hans Walter Gabler, Universität München
- Kurt Gärtner, Universität Trier
- Christian Graiger, Universität Würzburg
- Barbara Hunfeld, Universität Würzburg
- Fotis Jannidis, Universität Darmstadt
- Stefan Moser, Universität Würzburg
- Michael Nedo, Wittgenstein Archive Cambridge
- Martin Omasreiter, Universität Würzburg
- Wilhelm Ott, Universität Tübingen
- Klaus Prätor, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin
- Andrea Rapp, Universität Trier
- Laurent Romary, INRIA Lorraine Nancy
- Paul Sappler, Universität Tübingen
- Dietmar Seipel, Universität Würzburg
- Werner Wegstein, Universität Würzburg
- Michael Wenger, Universität Würzburg