Deutsch Intern
Career Centre

Our founding history

The Career Centre was founded in 2007 as an interface between the university and the professional world. It has the task of supporting students in the transition to work, so that they can take up a level-appropriate occupation. In addition, we help students to recognise and use the potential of their academic qualifications and to transfer their study content to different application contexts.

Due to the strong demand, we constantly expanded the programme and trained ourselves to be able to offer new topics - the ones you want. Already in the first semesters we established a lecture series (initially "Berufe konkret"), which you can attend today under the title "Ringvorlesung: Perspektiven für Geisteswissenschaftler". Due to the increasing number of students and the growing diversity of students, the target groups that take advantage of the offer have steadily expanded. On average, the Career Centre therefore already offers up to 80 events per semester.

In the area of counselling, the staff complement each other perfectly today, both through counselling competence that has been built up and trained over many years, as well as through new colleagues who have, for example, coaching training.

Thanks to numerous cooperations with other university institutions (alumni, student counselling, International Office, GSiK, etc.) and employers (e.g. in the form of workshops and as part of the job fair), we are able to present you with new offers every semester to help you start your career.

The CAREER CENTRE was founded in the summer semester of 2007 and we are proud of over 30 semesters in which we have been able to offer several generations of students a diverse and constantly growing programme.


We have also carried out various projects, e.g. funded by the ESF (Direkt - Brücke Studium Wirtschaft), federal ministries (Karriere+) or in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Chamber of Crafts (e.g. career programme for crafts), the University of Applied Sciences (job fair) and other partners. For example, the programme Karriere+ (Career+), which enables students studying to become teachers to make a lateral entry into the business world by teaching them basic business skills.

The JOBMESSE study & stay as well as the job and career portal CareerLink are also tools to make career entry smooth.

The Career Centre also provides support in finding, carrying out and reflecting on internships. We have placed a special focus on the transfer internship and offer a webinar on this, which builds on the e-learning unit of the University of Hanover.

Intercultural exchange is particularly important to us. Together with soliya, we therefore offer students the opportunity to acquire intercultural skills in a digital setting. In Global Circles (previously Social Circles) and Interactive Open Online Courses (IOOCs) participants deal with various topics. These can always be found on our homepage.

The most important thing for us is that we can continue to develop according to your needs and offer you the support you need to be prepared for the demands of the labour market. A big topic for us at the moment is the buzzword "employability", with which we are also actively approaching employers and teachers and, for example, since this year we have also been offering a personnel regulars' table in order to come into even closer contact with local employers.

We are also constantly working on information material for you, which we publish on our homepage. For example, our careers brochures, handouts, application tips or our recommendations for job portals.