Deutsch Intern
Career Centre


Our consultants

Dr. Annette Retsch

Monday to Friday
Room 03.024
Tel. 0931/31-82420

  • Head of Career Centre
  • Conceptual development
  • Individual career counselling and profile analysis
  • Delegate Vice-Chair Coimbra Working Group Employability

Appointments for individual career counselling

Appointments for help with motivation letters with a lead time

On Mondays and Fridays, counselling appointments take place online via Zoom.

Please follow the instructions in the appointment booking confirmation (it is expected that a current CV is sent before the counselling)

Studies of English and German language and literature in Würzburg and Davidson, North Carolina. First examination in LA Gym in the summer of 1994. Dissertation in German Linguistics at the University of Würzburg in 1999 and afterwards student counsellor at the Central Student Advisory Office. Organisation of various major events (e.g. JUMAX university trade fair) in the Chancellor’s office. Since October 2006 she has been involved in the conception and development of the Career Centre.

Her consulting area includes the review of application documents as well as profile analysis and later professional positioning especially for students of the humanities disciplines. Here she supports graduates with information on various occupational fields for humanities scholars and regularly invites suitable experts on this topic or to the lecture series “Perspectives for Humanities Scholars”.

In 2015, she also obtained the university certificate “Writing Consultant” from the Freiburg University of Teacher Education. She consults students on the improvement of individual work and writing strategies, in particular with regard to the type of text letter of motivation for admission to a scholarship, master’s- or foreign study programme.

Since 2018, she has represented the university as a delegate of the Coimbra Working Group 'Employability' and was elected co-chair of this group in summer 2022.

Dr. Retsch authored an article in the second edition Handbuch Studienberatung about career consulting for bachelor and master students that was published in 2021. Her article does not only deal with the extensive and increasing demand for career consulting of a highly heterogeneous student community and the significance of transversal competences on the global job market but offers helful insights for future consultants.


  • Perspectives for humanities scholars - workshops and lectures
  • Profile building and soft skills
  • Erasmus + Virtual Exchange
  • Lecture series "Perspectives for humanities scholars
  • Writing counselling

M.A. Steffen Eichhorn

Monday to Friday
Room 03.023
Tel. +49 931 31-89778

  • Vice Head of Career Centre
  • Seminar management
  • Application portfolio check natural sciences & medicine

Make an appointment for an application portfolio check

Steffen Eichhorn has been working at the Career Centre since October 2013. Magister studies in German linguistics with minor in business administration at the University of Würzburg. In addition to his studies, he worked for 6 years as a student assistant in IT support at the computer centre and in linguistics. After graduating with a Magister degree in 2012, he was employed at the Chair of German Linguistics as a lecture and scientific assistant at the Lower Franconian Dialect Institute.

In the project ‘DIRECT – Brücke Studium-Wirtschaft’ (2013 – 2015) he was responsible for student acquisition and support and carried out this activity in the follow-up programme ‘Karriere+ - Begleitstudium Corporate Management’ from 2015 to 2017. He is currently responsible for the Career Centre's seminar programme and the Career website, provides technical support in webinars and seminars and answers questions about the CareerLink job portal.


M.A. Luisa Kimmel

Monday to Friday
Room 03.023
Tel. 0931/ 31-87581

  • Communication, Social Media
  • Application portfolio check
  • Advice on the Professional Skills Certificate
  •  Preparation for job interviews and unsolicited applications
  •  Basic application presentations for various disciplines
  •  Internship supervision at the Career Centre

Making an appointment for an application portfolio check

Appointments for questions about job interviews

Studied education with a minor in economics (B.A.) and then went on to study educational science (M.A.), specialising in adult education / continuing education. As a trainee in the further education department at the IHK Schweinfurt-Würzburg, she acquired knowledge in short and event planning and took part in various counselling sessions and workshops. As a part-time research assistant at the Chair of Adult Education / Continuing Education, she also learnt how to analyse research data, create posters and flyers and maintain the homepage.

Luisa Kimmel has been working at the Career Centre of the University of Würzburg since July 2020. Her tasks include public relations, lectures and application portfolio checks.

M.A. Sabine Mewis

Monday to Friday
Room 03.027
Tel. 0931/ 31-88853

  • Individual career consulting and competence profile analysis
  • Support in acquisition of digital and intercultural competences (e.g. Virtual Exchange)
  • Application portfolio check-up (also in French and English)
  • Consulting of international students

Making an appointment for an application portfolio check

Make an appointment for individual career counselling

Sabine studied romanistics (B.A. and M.A.), combining French and Italian at the University of Würzburg. She used to work as a student assistant in two mentoring-programs after which she switched to ProfiLehre - a university program for the enhancement of teaching - where she stayed for five years. After her master's degree, she stayed with the ProfiLehre as a project coordinator.  Her responsibilities included the implementation of further education events and the coordination of the respective trainers. Furthermore, she took various courses to consolidate her  knowledge of Virtual Exchange, Blende Learning, WueCampus and consulting.

Sabine joined the Career Centre of the University of Würzburg in December 2020 and is responsible for individual career consulting, application portfolio check-ups (German, French and English) and the  Ersamus+ Virtual Exchange.

Margarete Pauli

Monday to Thursday
Room 03.027
Tel. 0931/31-82751

  • Advice on scholarship applications
  • Advice on letters of motivation
  • Equal opportunities
  •  Application portfolio check German, English
  •  Advice on questions relating to internships

Make an appointment for individual scholarship counselling

Make an appointment for an application portfolio check with a lead time

Make an appointment for help with letters of motivation with a lead time

Student assistants

Astrid Brixy

  • Support for international networking


Franziska Schmidt

  • Backoffice, Social Media


Viktoria Schiffmann

  • Backoffice, Social Media