Deutsch Intern
Career Centre


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports 12 organisations for the promotion of gifted students in Germany, which we do not list individually on this page, as you can find all the information perfectly prepared on the website In addition, the Deutschlandstipendium offers you the opportunity to get a grant for your studies with the support of a company and DAAD can support you during your study abroad.


With the German Scholarship, the University of Würzburg wants to offer highly motivated and high-performing students optimal opportunities. In addition to professional training, we want to give young people the ability to think outside the box and in larger contexts. We are convinced that a country and its society depend on people who volunteer in a variety of ways.

Each scholarship has a total value of 3,600 euros per year - half of which is paid by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A monthly contribution of 300 euros gives you the financial freedom to concentrate on your studies. Germany needs talented young people.

Your contact is

Reinhold Gröner
Department 2.2 Student Affairs

The online portal "" filters out suitable scholarships for you from around 2,300 scholarships on the basis of a search query and helps you to find your way through the wealth of scholarship offers.  More than 610 million € are available to support you financially in various situations before, during or after your studies.
The free offer takes place in three steps: First you create an individual profile, which then automatically evaluates your chances of success with various scholarships at home and abroad.
Finally, you will be given some important tips and standards for your application. Among other things, this platform would like to point out the possibilities of suitable scholarships to students without a cut of one.

Support for gifted students in the higher education sector

Are you highly motivated and want to take on responsibility? Your performance at school and university is above average? Are you socially committed?

Then you have several possibilities to be supported in your studies or doctorate. The twelve organisations for the promotion of talented young people supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) award scholarships to young people like you: students and doctoral candidates are individually promoted as independent and (self)critically thinking personalities.