Deutsch Intern
GRK 2243 "Understanding Ubiquitylation: From Molecular Mechanisms to Disease"

Martin Eilers

Prof. Dr. Martin Eilers

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

Tel.: 0931 31-84111
Fax.: 0931 31-84113


Research Area:
Biochemistry, Molecular Cell Biology, Tumor Biology

Many cancers are life-threatening diseases and there is an urgent need for novel therapeutic strategies.
The Eilers lab works on the human MYC protein family, which is involved in the development of the majority of all human cancers. Our aim is both to understand the function of MYC proteins and explore new strategies to inhibit their function.

Research projects: Project C1, Project C2, Project C3