Deutsch Intern
  • National flags of different countries

Funding programs for the internationalization of partnerships

The International Relations Office (IRO) at the Service Center International Affairs (SIA) advises on funding opportunities in the area of ​​the internationalization of partnerships. Please do not hesitate to ask for our support in the application process.

If you are seeking advice and information on the EU's funding programme HORIZON EUROPE or national research funding programmes, please contact our colleagues at the Research Advancement Center (RAC).


The programmes listed below are only a selection. For a comprehensive up to date overview
please refer to: DAAD's funding opportunities.

Ta' ziz Partnerships for Democracy II - Short measures 
Initiation of partnerships and networking with civil society primarily in four target countries 
(Tunesia, Sudan, Libanon, Iraq). 
Deadline for proposals: 31.05.2022

German-Greek Academic Partnerships 2023-2025
Funding for the establishment of training partnerships, curricular cooperation through joint 
courses of study and double degrees, and joint applied research projects. 
Deadlines for proposals: 26.04.2022

Funding for small information events and large bilateral university days (Go East-Osteuropatage) as well as preparatory trips  
(Go East-Projektanbahnungsreisen)  by German professors and / or other university members at one or more universities in 
one or more countries in the region mentioned.
Deadline for proposals: 30.09.2022

Academic staff exchange 
Visiting Lecturers (Two funding lines: international lecturer in general / french guest lecturers)
Preparation, implementation and follow-up of courses by a single foreign lecturer (duration of stay at least three months).
Guest Chair
Preparation, implementation and follow-up of courses by changing foreign lecturers (indiv. duration of stay at least three months)
Funding for Study Visits and Study Seminars/Practicals ( no less than 7 days / max. 12 days) of students who are enrolled in 
their second semester or higher in a degree programm at a foreign university and who travel under the guidance and direction 
of a university teacher. Groups must be made up of at least 10 participants and max. 15 persons.
Deadlines for proposals: 01.02.2022, 01.05.2022, 01.11.2022



SDG-Partnerships (2023-2026)
Funding is provided for establishing partnerships between German higher education institutions and higher education institutions in 
developing and emerging countries (Carrying out SDG-relevant research, public relations, development and revision of teaching/learning 
materials, organisation of events, further- and advanced training, project-related stays).
Deadline for proposals: 30.06.2022

Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für China 
Deadlines for application: 31.12.2021
Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Bavarian-Indian Centre
Study visits: applications for the same budget year until end of October
Centro Universitario de Baviera para América Latina 


Franco-Bavarian University cooperation center  
annually recurring deadlines: 15. April / 15. November 
Bavaria California Technology Center 
annually recurring deadlines: 15. April / 15. Oktober


NEW: Visiting Scholarships (VSAI):

Eramus Mundus Design Measures 
Funds for the development of new, innovative high-level integrated transnationsl study programs. 
Duration of projects: 15 months
Lump sum funding of 55k EUR
Deadline for proposals: 16.02.2022  / 17:00


Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships 
Support for transsectoral partnerships in learning and education
Duration of projects: min. 12 - max. 36 months
Total project grant is a variable amount of either 120k, 250k or 400k EUR
Webinar for applicants: February 
Applicants are invited to benefit from a draft proposal consulting, provided by the  Erasmus+ Team until 15.2.2022
Deadline for proposals: 23. März 2022 / 12:00 Uhr 


Projektvorbereitungsreisen für ERASMUS+ Partnerschaften und Kooperationsprojekte
travel grants for proposal development in Erasmus+ programmes 




Funding for Research and Academic Career Development

Leonhard Euler Programme (2021 - 2022)
On-site scholarship funding (“SurPlace”, seven to nine month) in connection with an (additional) one to three month study visit 
at the German partner university. (Eligible for funding are young academics from: Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, 
Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) 
and Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia).
Deadline for application: 31.01.2022

Programme for Project-Related Personal Exchange (PPP)
Funding for bi-national research projects. 

Deadline for applications: 14.05.2021
PPP Colombia 

Deadline for application: 31.05.2021
PPP Canada 
PPP India DST 

Deadline for application: 15.06.2021
PPP Australia

Deadline for application: 24.06.2021
PPP Hongkong 

Deadline for application: 30.06.2021
PPP Croatia 
PPP Poland
PPP Serbia
PPP Slowakia
PPP Taiwan
PPP Czech Republik 
PPP Hungaria 

Deadline for application: 17.07.2021
PPP Brazil

Deadline for application: 07.09.2021
PPP Slowenia

Philipp Schwartz-Initiative

Deadline for proposals in the 11th  call: 4. March 2022